“Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down.” - Anne Lamott
This week we’re sticking with the monthly themes of minimal muscular effort, rest, and support. I’m curious if you ever end up where I am right now…
I know I need rest, but I can get so stuck in the rut of go, go, go that I have a hard time slowing down. It’s like I forget what, other than actually sleeping, actually feels restful.
So I’m compiling a list for us! 20 different ways to rest:
If you can’t come to a full stop, can you find a way to be more comfortable while you’re working? Move from the desk to the sofa with some hot tea, for example.
Drink a glass of water and pause for a few deep breaths.
Take a stroll.
Simply sit outside in the sunshine.
Legs Up the Wall Pose. So good.
Have a dog or cat? Stop and get comfortable for an extended snuggle.
For the horsey folks here, you can plop a chair out in the field and observe your herd or do some daydreaming.
Take a warm shower or bath. Water always helps me shift my energy.
Engage mindfully in a hobby. Do you knit? Garden? Play an instrument?
Take a technology break. No email. No social media. Let the texts be. Even a short hiatus can leave you feeling rejuvenated.
Start a new novel. I just started listening to this one, and I can already tell I’m going to love it. 😀
Try this nice and easy, 12 minute bedtime yoga sequence.
Listen deeply to a few of your favorite songs.
Do a little solo slow dancing in the living room.
Eat a meal that is nourishing to you - in silence with no distractions.
Close your eyes for 10 minutes.
Try the 4-7-8 relaxing breath technique.
Take a 20 minute timed nap.
Journal. Stream of consciousness. You can set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and just allow whatever comes. No judgement.
Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. 🙌🏼 Yesterday, I managed to do #1. Today, I’m shooting for #5.
What do you think? Anything you’d add to the list?
Great list Hannah! I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks with travel and wonderful house guests. Now that the house is quiet again I’ve wanted to jump into all the things I SHOULD be doing. I’m actually a bit tired from all the activity so I’ve modified my schedule for tomorrow. I’m going to come to my deck in my pajamas with my coffee and go through new magazines. Just flip through and relax and listen to the birds. I think this luxurious start to the day will feel restful and feed my soul.
Oh I really love all of these! Thanks for the links to resources.