I've been thinking about those of us who've been "doing the work" for a while now. The work of therapy or coaching or meditation or journaling or energy work or... you know, all the things we do to heal from growing up in a world that doesn't actually support human thriving (which I think is at the root of soooo much of our suffering).
That work is so important. But getting too focused on healing can be a slippery slope.
In the last couple years, I've come to terms with the fact that maybe I'll never be all the way there. You know, "healed". That maybe it's time to show up and serve anyway. To be an instrument in the world for something greater than my own worry about whether or not I'm "ready" or "good enough" or "smart enough" or hell, "pretty enough".
You feel me? Do you find yourself there, too? Knowing there's so much you don't know, seeing all the things you could do better...
And yet, you have a burning within you to show up in your life in a bigger way. And you don't want to wait anymore to go for it. What if you could embrace your imperfection and your most powerful, impactful self, simultaneously?
I'm playing with this edge in my own life right now. If you'd like to join me, I'd love to tell you about a new program I created called The Spark Sessions.
There's not much that inspires me more than seeing people bring their dreams to life, no matter how big or small they are. One of my best friends told me I've given her the same advice enough times that she now here's my voice in her head when she's trying to decide what to do: "You should do whatever you want to do."
But really, if we're ever going to "should" all over ourselves, it should be encouragement to spend more time doing the things that bring us alive. And helping people do just that... it gets my Manifestor self all fired up!
The Spark Sessions is a 3 month jumpstart to help you get going on the thing you've always wanted to do, that you've been putting off for so long that you can't stand NOT to do it now. But you'd like a little help getting the initial sparks going. If you fall into this camp at this point in your life, I got you.