What to do when you're scared to try something new
Also, join me for a free Human Design 101 class?
I’ve never offered an online class before. I’ve dreamt of fun classes to teach, brainstormed all kinds of ideas. But I’ve never taken one across the finish line. Or really even walked one up to the starting line. 😂
As I’m sure you’ve experienced at some point or another, trying new things can be scary (even if they’re also exciting!) That’s how I feel about offering a Human Design class - I call it nerve-cited.
Now, I have to admit I don’t actually know what you should do when you’re scared to try something new. That’s one of the beautiful bits about Human Design. It gives you a framework in which to experiment, with the ultimate goal of you becoming the boss of you.
Now, what’s Human Design again?
Human Design is called the science of differentiation. It’s a tool for self-awareness and living your purpose - a blueprint for how you’re “designed” to use your energy and express your gifts most authentically. In other words, it shows you how to work, play, communicate, make decisions, and connect with others in a way that’s most effective for you.
I’ve seen Human Design empower so many of my clients to honor their gifts in a bigger way. They say things like, “You mean I can just show up how I want to show up?” To that I say, “Yes, yes you can.” With a big smile on my face. I’ve also seen them begin to embrace what they need in their decision making process and then take action from a much more confident place. 👏🏼
An example from my own life: I have what’s called splenic authority. When making decisions, I’m meant to listen to my instinctual, intuitive inner knowing that speaks quickly (and usually quietly) in the present moment. But my previous way of decision making was quite the process. It included a ton of waffling back and forth, calling friends to ask their opinions, and wishing fervently that someone else would please for the love of god just tell me what to do.
When I started experimenting with following my intuitive hits or not picking up the phone just yet or trusting that I had the power within me to know what’s best for me… well, everything got a lot easier.
It’s still a work in progress, but I feel so much more competent. I feel more powerful. I trust myself more. And man, I needed that awareness. It’s served me 100x over at this point - it’s probably what helped me gather the courage to give this class a go!
I don’t know your decision making authority (there are seven different varieties), so like I said, I don’t know what you should to when it comes to trying scary new things. But this time around, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to show up and share Human Design with those who are interested in the same kinds of awarenesses I’ve had. 🤗
And those who are also available on Tuesday, October 24 from 11:30-12:30 CST. Lol. If you’re up for it and able to join me live, you can sign up for free. 👇🏼
You’ll be prompted to send your birth info (time, date, and location). Then I can pull your chart and maybe use it as an example or at least reference it if you have specific questions.
I’m hoping we’ll be able to cover at least Type (there are five of them) and Strategy (how you’re designed to move through the world with as little resistance as possible). Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. Hope to see you there!
Deadline to register is Monday, October 23 by 11:30 CST.
Before I go, I want to update you on the Mindfulness with Horses workshop at Happytown Horse Park last Saturday. I, of course, forgot to take any photos. 🤦🏻♀️ But luckily, Happytown put together a little Insta reel, so you can get the vibe. We had an intergenerational crew again - man those youngins are insightful. We laughed and even cried a bit - it was all just as it needed to be. Bonus: we got to practice our mindfulness skills while we were at it. 😚🤌🏼
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for being here! I’ll be back next week. 👋🏼