Human Design has, quite literally, changed my life.
It’s increased the empathy and compassion I feel for others, because I can so clearly see how they’re wired to operate differently than I am.
I can make decisions without so much ruminating now (there used to be so much ruminating!)
I honor my energy more and know how to take better care of myself when I get off track.
I communicate with others more intentionally, depending on their Design (if I know it). And wow, what a difference.
The list could go on…
But ultimately, what I love most about Human Design is that it provides a framework in which to explore who it is I believe myself to be versus who I might actually be. Who I’ve been conditioned to be versus who I’m “designed” to be.
I can start by following my inspiration to explore a particular area of my chart which usually leads to some super helpful awarenesses.
For example, with my open head center, I like to periodically touch base and consider how much time I’ve spent lately thinking about things that don’t actually matter (probably a lot!). Am I feeling the pressure to find answers or inspiration (probably so)? Who am I if I’m not the one who has the answers. 🤔 How is all of this contributing to my overall stress level? And what can I now do with this new information? There are usually some really practical solutions.
There’s a “meat and potatoes” feel to Human Design, like there’s really something to grasp onto.
But it’s also mystical af. I love to ponder what it’s like to be a Manifestor who also has a lot of Taurus in my chart - there’s paradox and depth and nuance that I could study for the rest of my life and maybe just scratch the surface. It reminds me of yoga in that way. It’s the best. ☺️
I guess it’s all on the brain right now, because I’m teaching my first Human Design 101 class today. Woot! Wish me luck if you get this before 11:30am CST.
I’m also preparing to teach a class at the Journey On Podcast Summit next weekend. The class won’t be live-streamed, but my talk will! Along with the other speakers’. Recordings will be available, too.
I’m going to share about some big awarenesses I had before I found Human Design that were equally impactful. I’d love for you to join me! The cost is $99 for the three day event.
Good luck today!! have so much fun. ❤️